Octacid® Kit

Phosphoric acid
Phosphoric acid 37%.
Thixotropic, with optimum level of viscosity, which prevents spillage into the tooth or exposed tissue. Mainly dissolves the layers of plaque, tartar, and/or any type of stain, leaving the dental tubules open. Formulated to be easily and completely removed with water, without leaving any residue.
About the Product
Essential for use for any type of dental restoration : cleaning of plaque, tartar, and/or any other intrusion in the teeth. Specific for the preparation of the surface of the piece to be treated (cleaning and polishing), which is done prior to restorations and for fluoridation treatments.
It is also used to reshape, finish and polish the tooth surface after the restoration in order to leave perfect contours and curves and to achieve smooth margins, a perfect gloss finish achieving the longevity of the restoration itself.
Dentin and enamel are recorded in 15-20 seconds.
The curved cannulas that accompany the syringes for their posology, allow a perfect administration of the product on the surface to be treated.
Octacid® Kit
Presentation 4 pre-filled syringes x 1.2 ml (1.7 g)
8 curved dispensing cannulas
Ref.: 04-017